Friday, June 14, 2013

a bit of a pick-me-up

I've been told by some friends on several different occasions that I am someone they consider to be genuinely happy a majority of the time. The more I have thought about it, the more I realize that this seems to be a pretty accurate statement. I really do like to be happy, I mean, who doesn't? I've found that when I am happy and upbeat, I can make those around me feel just a bit better as well. To be honest, I really appreciate my friends telling me this, because I consider it to be a desirable quality for someone to have!

But, like any normal human being, I have my less than happy-go-lucky days where something just doesn't feel right. It's on those kinds of days that a little pick-me-up is just what I need to get me feeling like myself again. So, if you're having one of those days today, here are a few things that I've found make me smile or feel happy. Hopefully they can brighten your day aswell, even if it's just for a moment. Enjoy!

So much truth in this quote!

Summer + barefoot + balloons = happiness

Such a precious idea. Even something as simple as this could really brighten someone's day!

If this adorable kitten doesn't make you happy...

I believe that happiness comes from loving yourself first.

 I hope you all have a great day (and rest of the weekend) filled with smiles and happiness!

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