Sunday, January 6, 2013

A New Year Calls for New Goals

Humanity has done it! Through all of the ups and downs of the past 365 days, we have officially made it to the year 2013. As we all know, a new year gives everyone the opportunity for a fresh start. That being said, it's time to get to work on drafting up the latest list of resolutions. I'm hoping that my top 10 resolutions will not only guide me in making the right decisions this year, but also help me to make this the best year yet! Bring it on, 2013!

ONE: Learn to focus more on the positive side of things and less on the negative.

TWO: Eat healthier; it's as simple as that. Less snacks, fast food, and desserts!

THREE: Take advantage of the fact that I live with a personal trainer. I need to work on listening to my brother's exercise advice.

FOUR: Work on becoming a better Christian.

FIVE: Learn to recognize and be thankful for everything I have rather than fixate on the things I think I want.

SIX: Try to save more money!

SEVEN: Cook more meals at home and go out to eat less. This should help me achieve number six!

EIGHT: Work on keeping in contact with the people that I love.

NINE: Blog more often, as writing and reviewing are pretty much the essence of my major.

TEN: Embrace the "forgive and forget" mantra - no more holding grudges.


  1. I am glad we share some goals to better ourselves this year! Lets keep positive energy and encouragement for each other! And make each other do number 8 together!!

  2. yeah girl! number eight, we must accomplish! miss you!
