The first day of spring has offically come and gone, and out here in Colorado it seems as if we are getting closer and closer to the lovely weather that accompanies such a beautiful season. So far, temperatures have reached the upper 70s with all kinds of warm sunshine. With this kind of weather, I can't help but get antsy to do all sorts of fun seasonal shopping!
Last post, I filled you in with the details of skin tone and complemntary colors in an effort to excite you about wardrobe updates! However, no wardrobe is complete without a killer pair of shades. I am currently in the market for some new sunglasses as the continued abuse to my trusty Fossil glasses has finally gotten the best of them. After much consideration, I hesitantly decided that it's time to invest in a pair of "big girl" sunglasses. Considering I usually tend to lose, ruin, or break sunglasses more often than not, this decision to invest is fairly significant. That being said, I did a bit of research on which glasses would best frame my face before dropping a load of cash on the first pair I set eyes on. Afterall, when purchasing a pair of $100 shades, you expect to look stylishly chic, right? Well, in an effort to keep myself and you all from looking foolishly passe, I've decided to share the valuable tips I've discovered when on the search for a new pair of trendy sunglasses.
While shopping around, one of the most important things to keep in mind is your face shape. Typically there are five major face shape categories: round, heart, oval, square, and oblong. Each face shape is complemented most by specific frames of glasses.
ROUND: if you have a round face, like mine, you will notice there very few angles in your cheek bones and jaw lines. The lack of definitive angles allows for the width and length of your face to be measurably similar. Frames that best complement a full, round face, are glasses with hard angles such as square or rectangular frames. It would be in your best interest to avoid round or oval frames as they add a look of fullness to your face.
HEART: those of you with a heart shaped face generally have a wide forhead, high cheek bones, and a pointed chin resembeling an outline of a heart. Since the upper part of your face is broader than the lower, you want to look for shades that are wider at the bottom of the frame to balance out your proportions. Try to steer clear from smaller frames, as that will accentuate the width of the forehead and the narrowness of the jawline.
OVAL: the lucky ones with oval faces can wear just about any frame they please and look stellar while doing so. Oval faces are nearly perfectly proportioned. The only thing to keep in mind is to match the proportion of your face with the size of the frames.
SQUARE: individuals with a square face are characterized with a broad forehead and prominent features from the cheek bones to the jawlines. A tip to keep in mind when looking for glasses is to stick with round or oval frames that soften the pronounced angles on your face.
OBLONG: you have an oblong face when it is longer than it is wide. Look for particularily wider frames to balance width with your length. For example, shades with detail on the temple can give the illusion of a wider face.
Well, there you have it. I invite you to take advantage of this information so as to look knockout gorgeous this season. For more information on face shapes, ideas of specific glasses that would look great on you, or a quiz to find out what shape your face is, go to the site I used by clicking here!
Until next time, dare to be remarkable and rock your shades with confidence!