A simple word that has far more meaning than most would generally tend to give. Without inspiration, what gives us enough positivity to keep going when things get tough? Without inspiration how do we complete tasks that everyone tells us are impossible? There is no other answer.
I used to believe that inspiration came solely from significant events or people that in some way or another caused great impact within your life. Although that is entirely possible, I've learned that even the smallest of things: an action, a phrase or saying, or even a picture can inspire someone even if for just a day.
Almost everyday of my life I see or hear something or someone that makes me smile, but most of all I realize that there are people out there that have it far more worse than I could even imagine. Those simple THOUGHTS inspire me to make the most of my life, take chances, and remember that not only is every day a new day, but it could also be your last day.
Speaking of inspiration, I have two very permanent reminders of how important inspiration is to me and my life. Tattooed on my left foot I have the quote, "Dare to be remarkable". This quote means the world to me. I see this tattoo every day and it reminds me that I have the ability to be the best person I can be and that no one can stand in the way of that, except for myself. Although I may not do something that is "remarkable" in the minds of people all over the world, I would hope that the people close to me know that I give everything I've got in everything I do.
Also, every last member in my family inspires me on a daily basis. The things they do for me, for others, and the things each person has gone through are unreal. For those reasons in and of themselves, my family means the absolute world to me. I would give anything for my family and it goes without saying that they would do the same for me. I wanted to do something that allowed me to remember everyday just how much my family inspired and meant to me. I was thinking of the line about how people 'wear their hearts on their sleeves' and I thought that was an interesting saying. I figured my arm, or wrist rather, was a substitute for my sleeve, and in lieu of simply a heart, replace with my family. Thus, my family tattoo on my wrist. Each day I get to see my tattoo and know just how special not only the tattoo is, but my family as well.
Aside from my tattoos, other things and people tend to inspire me. Most importantly, my mom, Eve. She can honestly, without a doubt find the good in any situation. She is the most positive and outgoing woman I know; and to me, that means the world. With everything she has gone through, I truly don't understand how she is the amazing, beautiful woman she is today. But some how, through all of the dark, she finds the light. And that is simply inspiring to me. Anyone who has ever met Eve would easily vouch for me. She was the mom that everyone loved and adored. She is my hero, my role model, my everything. I don't know what I would do without her! She is my wonder wall <3